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Drop in Silence

5:00pm-6:00pm on Friday 6 September
5:00pm-6:00pm on Friday 13 September

Quaker Meeting House , 12 Jesus Lane , CB5 8BA

Every Friday Cambridge Quakers offer a space to share silence together. No religion, no catch, just a chance to stop, collect your thoughts, and connect to what matters to you. Quakers use shared silence as a central feature of our spiritual practice and we find it strengthens our values and connections.

We will be there for one hour for both Fridays of Open Cambridge festival and you are welcome to drop in for as long or as short a time as you feel like.

No need to book. Nothing to bring. All are welcome and there’s no need to tell us anything on arrival. Alongside the silence there will be an opportunity to browse our Library or chat with someone if you would like to.

Booking is not required, you can just turn up!
This event is hosted by Cambridge Quakers. To find out more about Quakers visit:

Booking Information

Booking not required


Step-free access

Additional Information

Young Adults 12 – 18, Adults, Other, In person
Event capacity: 30
