6:30pm-7:30pm on Friday 6 September11:00am-12:00pm on Saturday 7 September1:00pm-2:00pm on Sunday 8 September
Cambridge Museum of Technology, Meet OUTSIDE upper gate on Cheddars Lane, The Old Pumping Station, Cheddars Lane, CB5 8LD
Cambridge Museum of Technology volunteers (in association with Cambridge Industrial Archaeology Group) invite you to explore the former Cambridge gasworks (off Newmarket Road) and its impact on local society, economy and the environment.
This free, guided tour (on a step-free route around Cheddars Lane, Newmarket Road, River Lane and Riverside) will visit archaeological remains from what was the largest industrial complex in Cambridge: the University and Town Gas-Light Company.
Featuring documentary sources (such as maps, photographs, company records and eyewitness reports), the tour will: explore the sights (and smells) of the former Cambridge gasworks, its operations, stories of its workers, evaluate its environmental impact, and invite participants to assess its legacy: past, present and future.